If our knowledge base or chat team isn't quite answering your question, follow these directions to request a phone call.
Begin by clicking that purple question mark in the bottom right corner of your dashboard. This is available from any page.
Click Messages > Send us a message.
Choose the topic closest to your question/issue.
Fin will make some suggestions for articles that may help. If none of these suggestions help, click 'No'. Then click 'I have a question' > click 'Request to be called.'
Then select 'Request to be called'.
If the resources provided don't help, select 'I still want to talk to someone', then enter your phone number.
When prompted for specifics, you can help our phone team investigate more effectively by including links, screenshots, descriptions, and questions. We can't emphasize enough how helpful this is for our team so please add any detail you can here. This will speed up the resolution time of your phone call.
Once we receive this information, we'll take a closer look and reach out by phone as soon as we can.