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Corporate Dashboard: Creating New Franchisees
Corporate Dashboard: Creating New Franchisees
Erin avatar
Written by Erin
Updated over a week ago

For a high level article on the corporate dashboard click here.

Adding new franchisees

A corporate Admin can add a new franchisee by click Franchisees > New Franchisee.

Next, fill in their basic info.

Submitting this form creates a new host account. One that's automatically linked to your Corporate dashboard.

By default, when there's no Corporate billing setup in the Admin panel, the newly created host is on the account trial same as if they created a host account through Momence website. Read the next section for more information.

How to setup corporate billing

Corporate billing settings specify the default pricing plan for new corporate franchisees.

To set this up, you'll first need to have a corporate manager role. Click Admin panel > Corporates > List > Click on a corporation > click Billing > Edit billing (accessing this requires the Billing Manager Role)

Update the values as needed. Usually you will set the pricing plan to Custom, keep the 30 days interval and change the price. Submit when done.

Editing the Default Fee and Default customer fee requires the role of Company Percentage Fee Manager.

How to setup application add-ons

In addition to default pricing plan Momence admins can also setup default application add-ons and price overrides for corporate franchisees.

To do this, A corporate manager with billing manager permissions can head to the Admin panel, click Corporates > List and choose a corporation > click Application Add-ons > Setup new add-on.

Choose from the available Add-ons and setup a price override and/or switch on the automatic activation. This is the price franchisees will see in their host dashboard's apps section when they're considering activating this add-on.


  • Only Add-ons priced at $0 can be automatically activated by a host).

  • Add-ons that have automatic activation on will be activated for franchisees created through the corporate dashboard

Click Submit when ready.

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