Discount codes can now be used with global limits.
What does this mean?
Think of global limits as a cap on how many total uses are available among your entire customer base. In other words, you can set the total number of times a particular code can be used across all customers.
Use cases might include:
a Black Friday deal where the first 25 people get 20% off of an annual membership
an upcoming training with an early-bird special for the first 5 people to sign up
Note that you can still have a usage limit per customer as well, meaning that if you're global limit on a discount code is, say, 25, you can still limit each customer to 1 use. So you won't have to worry about customers taking advantage and using the discount code more than once. Just make sure to set this figure to 1.
You can find this new setting for Discount codes under:
Studio set-up > Discount codes > Create
Next, select Limited Usage limit > set your 'Usage per customer' and your 'Usage globally.'