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Workouts FAQs (all)
Erin avatar
Written by Erin
Updated over 10 months ago

Momence just rolled out a new App called workouts. Its available to activate in the App store for free.

What are workouts?

Most commonly used by "open gym" style facilities like CrossFit, this feature allows you to write out a workout plan that becomes accessible to your customers via their Momence mobile app.

Once you've activated this app within your Admin dashboard, your customers in the mobile app see a "Workouts" tab where the workout of the day appears.

In addition, when you are setting up a workout for your customers, you'll see an option to allow your customers to score their workout results.

Where will it show in my dashboard?

After you activate Workouts from the App store, it will display right under Appointments. Workouts will show three sub-sections: Programming, Workout List (templates), and Tracks.

How does scheduling work?

After you activate Workouts from the App store, it will display right under Appointments. Workouts will show two sub-sections: Workout List (Templates) and Programming (Scheduling of those templates). After creating a template from Workout List, you can schedule one using Programming.

When creating a template, you'll see options name the workout type, describe it, and add components -- the actual things the customer will need to do in the workout. Components have assignable measurement types to fit the most common workouts, like Time, Reps, or "None" if neither applies.

Examples could be:

Run 5k - (you'd select None for this, and the customer would only see "Run 5k")

Plank - 2 minutes

Deadlift 50kg - 10 reps

To create a new workout template, click Workout List > New Workout

To schedule a workout > click Programming > then hover over the day you'd like it to become available to customers.

Choose from your available templates or create a new workout from scratch

Customers will now be able to see this Workout on the day you scheduled it. It won't become visible until that day. And, if you're using Tracks, which only show workouts to certain customers (via tags), this workout will only show to those customers.

How do I control which customers see a workout?

With Tracks. Tracks use Tags to restrict visibility of the workout.

Ie. if you have a membership that's tagged, then everyone on that membership has that tag. To show this workout to just customers on that membership, click New Track, and add that tag to this track.

You can call this track whatever you want, and select whichever tag(s) should see the workout.

Remember to check that your tags are applied correctly to memberships or which ever customer list you have tagged.

Can customers score how they did?

You can allow the customer to score each component of their workout, and specifically guide them on how to. After they score their workout, you'll be able to see the customer’s scores from the workout detail.

You can choose from the following options your customers will see:

  • none

  • weightlifting (weight [lbs/kgs] + number of reps)

  • distance [m, km, mi, feet],

  • AMRAP, which stands for "as many reps (or rounds) as possible," this option will include # of reps, and a field for time allotted.

How do I set up scoring?

Each component of a Workout has a Scoring section. Click its dropdown to for options.

Next, click Actions > Edit

Next, click a pencil icon next to the component you'd like to add Scoring for.

Lastly, click the Scoring dropdown and start adding criteria.

You can add multiple scoring options if its warranted. Here's another Workout Component that has more than one.

This workout component tells the customer to do 20 pull ups and time themselves. For the Primary Scoring we've chosen Time. For Unit we've chosen minutes. For secondary we've added an option to report as many reps as possible (AMRAP). In the description we've added some short instructions so that customers know what to expect before starting the workout.

What's the customer experience in the mobile app?

Here's a short video of what customers will see in their mobile app, when opening a workout of the day.

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