Your appointment schedule appears in different colors. Some of the color schemes come from the colors selected for services, while others are featured colors set by the system.
Colors can be delegated on your schedule from the colors set for your services:
Click on Appointments
Click on Services
Click on +Add service
Under the Misc. section you will find the Color options for services
Once colors are selected for a service these will appear on the schedule as follows:
Troubleshooting for Appointment Colors
FAQ about Appointment Colors
What do the red and green dots on the appointment reservation mean?
These dots are the "status colors" for an appointment.
The Red means the appointment is unpaid
The Green means the appointment is paid
The status colors can be swapped so that the service colors appear in this section and the "status colors" appear as the background on the appointment schedule:
See the Troubleshooting for Appointment Colors section above for more information.