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Automatic Teacher Substitutions
Erin Crager avatar
Written by Erin Crager
Updated over a week ago

If you're looking to remove the common, time consuming task of manually requesting substitutes, the Automatic Substitutions feature can immediately take this off your plate.

With the click of a button, it allows your teachers to immediately contact all eligible teachers by SMS, and automatically substitutes in the first teacher to respond. It also handles updating all teachers when a class has been filled. All without you having to get involved.

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Here's how it works:

When a teacher requests a sub,

  • All eligible teachers are notified by SMS or email

  • The first teacher to reply with 'Yes' gets the class

  • All other teachers that didn't respond in time are then notified the class has been taken

To activate Automatic Teacher Substitutions, in your left hand nav, click Apps & Integrations > App Store. Here's what it looks like from the teacher's perspective when they receive an SMS request.

Where can teachers see their active requests?

Under My Pages they'll find Active Requests. Each unaccepted request will be listed here and can be accepted by clicking the dropdown menu to the right.

Where can admins see Active Requests?

This can be found under Classes > Substitutions Requests

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