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Staff accounts / Teachers / Front desk staff
Staff accounts / Teachers / Front desk staff
Add staff, permissions and photos
Add pay rates & run payroll
Custom roles
Update a teacher's default pay rate
Can Staff run their own Payroll Reports?
Automatic Teacher Substitutions
Message your instructors en masse
Assign staff tasks to multiple people
Staff tasks: Delegate administrative responsibilities to your employees
Disable new class notifications for teachers
Sub in a teacher for a past class
Manage staff hours (add & update time clocked in)
Choose which of your staff roles receive Inbox message notifications
The Substitute Teacher Reminder email, sent to the teacher subbing in
How do I assign classes to teachers so they can sub into them?
I'm unable to assign a teacher to a class. How can I troubleshoot this?
How do I terminate or delete an employee account and will this affect my data / reporting?
How to edit a past classes' pay rate
Allow teachers to message your customers from your Momence Inbox and other areas
How to create a teacher training to sell