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With Workouts, how does scheduling work?
With Workouts, how does scheduling work?
Erin Crager avatar
Written by Erin Crager
Updated over a week ago

After you activate Workouts from the App store, it will display right under Appointments. Workouts will show two sub-sections: Workout List (Templates) and Programming (Scheduling of those templates). After creating a template from Workout List, you can schedule one using Programming.

When creating a template, you'll see options name the workout type, describe it, and add components -- the actual things the customer will need to do in the workout. Components have assignable measurement types to fit the most common workouts, like Time, Reps, or "None" if neither applies.

Examples could be:

Run 5k - (you'd select None for this, and the customer would only see "Run 5k")

Plank - 2 minutes

Deadlift 50kg - 10 reps

To create a new workout template, click Workout List > New Workout

To schedule a workout > click Programming > then hover over the day you'd like it to become available to customers.

Choose from your available templates or create a new workout from scratch

Customers will now be able to see this Workout on the day you scheduled it. It won't become visible until that day. And, if you're using Tracks, which only show workouts to certain customers (via tags), this workout will only show to those customers.

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