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Collections or Courses?
Collections or Courses?

Which one is right for you?

Lucas Kling avatar
Written by Lucas Kling
Updated over a week ago

The On-Demand menu contains two main options. 'Your Library' and 'Courses'.

Your Library refers to your On-Demand Video Library, which you'll find if you click your library. It's divided into what are called Collections---groups of videos or PDF's.

Courses allow you to organize the order of the content into chapters.

Below is a diagram of what Collections and Courses can each contain.

So, which one is right for you?

If you:

  • are looking to give access to just videos or PDFs; and

  • don't mind if customers watch them out of order

  • want to allow rentals or use an on-demand subscription

  • may want to schedule certain video releases for later dates

then Collections are for you.

Choose Courses if you:

  • would like to use chronological chapters to order your content

  • may want to use videos, quizzes or PDFs

  • release these items on a regular cadence (Drip Content)

Here's a more in-depth list of what Collections and Courses can do.

Collections allow you to:

  • organize your videos into groups

  • upload videos to be accessed as rentals or subscriptions

  • add PDFs next to videos (like a written recipe next to a cooking video)

  • schedule video releases (via a 'drop' date)

  • add 'tags' to help customers sort by subject (and reveal insights in reporting)

  • view/download reporting on video view counts & active/past renters

Courses allow you to:

  • organize videos, pdfs and quizzes into chronological chapters

  • sell rental access to an entire course

  • schedule 'reveal' schedules for a chapter of videos (ie. 1 new video each week). These timelines begin when a course is purchased.

  • view reporting on course rental sales

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