If a student's profile does not show a payment failure for a no-show fee, it may be because the membership they used for the booking was not added to the penalty rules list.
How to check for this:
To determine if this is the case, head over to the customer's profile and find the class booking, for which they should have received a no-show penalty.
Click on Customers
Click on Customer List
Find the customer in question
Click on the Activity tab
Click on History
Find the booking in question and click on the "Membership" button
The Payment details page will appear and you will see the Membership used for the class
Now that you have the name of the membership head over to the Cancellation Policy page to see if this membership is included in the list of no-show penalty rules
If the Membership is not listed in this section this confirms the reason a customer was not charged a no-show fee for their booking