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Get Started with Ads Manager
Get Started with Ads Manager
Erin Crager avatar
Written by Erin Crager
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Ads Manager — designed to help you launch ad campaigns with more ease than ever before — skip the headache of trying to navigate a confusing platform like Meta or leaving it to a media agency to do it for you.

This guide walks through how the Ad Manager works along with some additional best practices, tips, and tricks for running successful campaigns! Expect to learn more about:

  • How to choose the right goal for your ad campaigns

  • Identify the correct budget based on your campaign objective

  • Build an audience designed to target your ideal customers

  • The ‘ingredient list’ that creates high performing ads

  • Understand the return on investment (ROI) of ad campaigns.

Along with all of the tools needed to set lead funnels on autopilot once ads start picking up traction!

Step 1: Facebook Reconnection

Regardless of if you’ve already done this, it will be important to revoke access and reconnect. Hear more on why and how to do this.

In Momence click Marketing > Ads Manager > under Facebook & Instagram click Make the Connection > revoke access (if there's an existing connection) using the dropdown menu.

Click Continue with Facebook > choose your business Page > Continue > select the Ad account you'll use > Save > Got it

Step 2: Create Meta Instant Forms Inside of Momence

We’re going to focus specifically on the creation of Meta Instant Forms inside of Momence as there are other help articles that focus on building out the Momence Lead Forms — see article for more information on how to create lead forms. Watch the video below to learn how to build out instant forms.

From Marketing > Ads Manager > click Instant forms > Add form > fill in the prompts and submit.

Step 3: Build Target Audiences for Campaigns

Create custom audiences by leveraging your Momence customer and lead data using segments.

From Marketing > Ads Manager > Create Audience > choose your audience

See how it works:

Step 4: Connect Your Ads to Sequences

It’s super easy for us to just launch ads into the wild and wait for the leads to start pouring in. Then it’s the businesses job to start nurturing leads into intro pass holders or members. We strongly encourage you to leverage sequences to help you out on this.

To do this click Marketing Sequences > Create a new sequence or edit an existing one to be associated with the ad > for the Trigger, use the 'New Lead record created' item and specify which ad its associated with.

Step 5: Meta Pixel Set Up

There are 2 steps to set up a pixel:

1. Create your pixel, right here inside of Momence, by naming your pixel.

2. Set up the pixel base code on your website. You can do this by manually adding the code to your website header or footer.

Then you have the option to set up specific events on your website to measure the actions you care most about.

For more information on Meta's Pixel set up and installation instructions visit:

Or watch this video to see how to grab your Pixel ID if you already have this set up:

Step 6: Tracking the ROI of Ad Campaigns

The ROI (Return on Investment) Calculator calculates the difference between the amount spent on an advertisement and the amount of revenue received from the customers who came in from that ad. It helps determine if the results of the ads are worth the cost, and to see which ads are getting the most traction & results. Read more about it. Or watch the video below.

To see how your ads are performing, click Marketing > Ads Manager > scroll to the right and click Reports.

Step 7: Building Out Your Ad Campaigns in Momence

Ready to build your ads out from start to finish? Or want to get a sense for what to expect the first time you build out your campaign?

Watch the step by step walkthrough:

From Ads Manger click Create Campaign > Name it > choose your campaign's goal, then set a budget (consider a figure of 7-10% of your monthly revenue as an industry best practice) > click Create and Continue.

Build your target audience > choose who you'll include and exclude (like groups you might already be advertising too in other campaigns and don't want to market to twice) > choose the campaigns start date and end date.

Then choose where to serve your ads.

Note that under demographic targeting, the default settings are as follows. You can update these as needed.

You can also replace these demographics with postal codes, loaded from this menu. You can also consider using Advanced Targeting to go after specific interests or behaviors. Click Create and continue when done.

Next, name the ad (this name will show in the ROI report) > add Primary text > add form associated with ad and save.

The ultimate goal is to help capture, collect, categorize, communicate, convert, and calculate the return on investment of leads generated from ad campaigns.

How to choose the right goal for your ad campaigns

The first thing you need to establish for your lead ads is to set the overall campaign and conversion goals. Are you seeking to:

  • Driving traffic to your landing page (i.e. link clicks, landing page views, etc.). Use this if you want your ads to funnel directly to Momence checkout pages. As an example, a membership checkout page or a class checkout page. You can also use this if you want your ads to funnel to a landing page on your website, which has a Momence lead form embedded onto it, which you can use to capture leads and segment them by source.

  • Generate leads via Meta Instant Forms. Use this if you want your ads to display lead forms directly within Facebook and Instagram. Those leads will automatically show up in Momence. Using this option, you won’t need to have a landing page or embed Momence lead forms anywhere. You will be able to segment your leads directly in the Momence Leads manager by the specific ad or instant form the lead converted on. You can build your Instant Forms directly in the Momence Ads manager [Hyperlink the instant forms tab in the ads manager].

Identify the correct budget based on campaign objectives

More often than not, owners are not spending enough on their ad campaigns. $5, $10, $15, or even $20 a day is not going to cut it!

We like to look at it like a water tap. $5 to $20 per day will attract a slow trickle of leads. Some days there won’t be any leads coming in. Whereas other days it’s likely a few leads will come in. Play around with higher daily budgets like $50, $75, or $100 per day and the length or duration of campaigns to see if the desired lead volume supports monthly lead targets and work back from there.

It’s much easier to turn the tap on to a higher water pressure and reach your monthly lead volume earlier in the month than waiting all month to hit those lead targets. Find the right cadence that works — which often requires testing, experimentation, and iteration.

There are also other key factors that impact lead volume such as using the right messaging and visual assets for your ads. We will outline more on that later in the guide.

Build an audience designed to target your ideal customers

One of many perks of building ad campaigns in Momence is that existing customer and lead contact data can be leveraged to create lookalike, inclusion, or exclusion audiences.

By default we’ve built-in to the system the option to pull existing customer data to create lookalike audiences. With the goal of helping to attract more customers that are similar to the existing customer base.

The ‘+ Create audience’ option also allows the creation of custom audiences to target those who follow or engage with the business Facebook or Instagram pages as well as website visitors to remarket to them to encourage leads to fill out their contact data via Instant Forms (Meta) or Lead Forms (Momence).

Here’s how it works:

1. Setting up lookalikes.

Under Audiences select there will be an audience we’ve created called ‘Existing customers’. Navigate over to the right hand side of the page and select the option to ‘+ Create lookalike audience’. This audience can then be pulled in under the ‘Targeting settings’ section when building out the ad campaign. There’s also the ability to create other lookalikes from other saved audiences.

2. Setting up inclusions.

Once you create audiences under the ‘Audience’ tab within the Ad Manager, select as many customer or lead audience lists under ‘Target settings’ section to be served the campaign ads.

3. Setting up exclusions.

Again as long as the audiences have already been created under the ‘Audience’ tab within the Ad Manager, select as many customer or lead audience lists to exclude from being served the campaign ads. By default we have ‘Existing customers’ already pre-selected.

Don’t sweat the small stuff! There’s still the option to set-up demographic, location, and interest based targeting too. By default we have basic targeting set up — location targeting will vary based on the business location.

The ‘ingredient list’ that creates high performing ads.

The Momence Ad Manager is designed to be a lead generation tool for studios, gyms, and wellness centers.

There are two specific campaign objectives we focused on to support the goal of making it easy to spin up lead campaigns; driving traffic to a checkout page or landing page with a sign-up form or in platform (i.e. Meta (Facebook/Instagram) form as a point of conversion.

A few best practices, tips, and tricks to keep in mind when building, launching, and optimizing lead ad campaigns include:

Testing copy, images, and calls to action (CTAs):

Think of your ads as a recipe. There are key ingredients that ensure the meal is bound to be a crow pleaser. Some of these ingredients include:

  • Developing a clear headline. What is the promotion? Is there a specific call to action? Does it include a geography anchor?

    Let’s say the offer is a new client special. A headline example could be something like:

    {{2 Weeks for $49}} New Client Special

    [LOCATION] Get {{2 Weeks for $49}}

  • Outline a focused preview text option. Go into the details here. What is the promotion? Outline the features and benefits. What will your ideal client get in return? Is there a specific call to action? Does it include a geography anchor?

    Continuing with the example of a new client special. A preview text option could include:


    [EMOJI] [BENEFIT #1]
    [EMOJI] [BENEFIT #2]
    [EMOJI] [BENEFIT #3]

    Get started today on our new client special of $49 for 2 weeks limited access to [STUDIO NAME]!

  • Design an ad that highlights what you have to offer. Highlight your ideal customer so your prospective clients can begin to see themselves in your studio, gym, or wellness center all before walking through the physical doors. Does it speak to the offer or promotion? Can include 30% text on the image, but not more than that or the ad will not perform as well as it could have otherwise.

We recommend testing a bunch of different headline, preview text, and static image variations before landing on 1-2 go to’s — remember to have fun with it!

Understand the return on investment (ROI) of ad campaigns

Sometimes the hardest thing, once a campaign has been launched, is to know if it’s working or worth doubling down on.

Momence is the first connected software solution to offer insight into:

  • Tracking the entire lead journey from ad to lead to purchase.

  • Understanding which ads are converting the highest number of leads.

  • Knowing what is working to double down on paid marketing efforts.

  • Untilling confident with your return on investment when it comes to ads.

For the first time ever, this provides insight into the full life cycle of the lead to trial to member journey in a truly connected way. Use the ROI calculator report in Momence to understand what ad attributed to that new client's point of purchase and continue to nurture them into a committed member.

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