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New releases
Get Started with Ads Manager
Tuition Ledgers
Belt Tracking, Customer Rankings, or Challenges
Passport Integration -- Remote Door Access by Tag
Sequences: Bulk Assign Staff Tasks by Role or Location
Download Waivers as PDFs
What are Segments and how do they factor into SMS tiers?
How to embed Momence Webchat on your Website
How to view who's been checked in from the Appointment Schedule Page
Manage Product Inventories per Location
Collect Birthdays from Signups & Checkouts, Restrict Class Signups by Age
Require Two Staff Members for Appointment Services
Bookkeeping Upgrade: Customize Revenue Categories
Unsubscribe Customers from Marketing SMS Messages
Override Cancellation Fees Per Class or Template
Guest passes are now available in subscriptions
Drag & Drop Staff Availability Hours in Appointments Schedule
Appointments: Multiple price points and pay rates per service
Option to Save New Customer Credit Cards (or Not!)
New Feature Drops: Tools for Workouts, Ad Conversions & Customer Activity
Workout of the Day (WOD) Progression Tracking
Location-Based Unlock Capability
Conversion Add Tracking Using UTMs
Customer Visit Count Display
BIG News: Momence Phone Numbers are Callable
Reorder Appointment Services; Workout Components & Video; Custom Waivers
Momence is now HIPAA compliant!
Turn Missed Calls Into Opportunities Using Your Momence Phone Number
Introducing the Bookkeeping App
Abandoned Checkout Leads Template
SOAP Notes for Classes
Service Categories: Group Services for an Easier Customer Booking Experience
New Waitlist Updates: Filter out Waitlist Texts from your Inbox; Choose when waitlist messages can fire
Sequences Get Three New Triggers, One New Condition
Email Notifications for larger reports
Workout Programming
Customer Barcodes for Self Scanning Check-in